
Poster Visitor _ Muukalainen.Poster-1
Trailer: "Muukalainen" (2009) AKA "The Visitor"
Poster Visitor _ Muukalainen.Poster-1

- Synopsis

This is allmost no dialogue poetical story - a nameless mute boy (Vitali Bobrov) lives in a remote house in the middle of a forest with his crippled mother (Emilia Ikäheimo) and regularly pays visits to his father (Jorma Tommila) who has been imprisoned for some unspecified crime. One day a strange unknown man (Pavel Liska) arrives to the house, a bullet in his side and barely conscious.

- Genre

Feature Film

- Creators

Director / Script

Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää


Aleksi Bardy, Alain de la Mata, Felix Blum, Arne Ludvig, Christoph Bauer, Anneli Ahven, Peeter Urbla


Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää, Jan Forsström


Tuomo Hutri

Art Director

Kaisa Mäkinen


Mervi Junkkonen


Helena Tulve

- Stars

Vitali Bobrov, Emilia Ikäheimo, Pavel Liška, Jorma Tommila

- Release date

5 December, 2008

- Languages


- Technical specifications

  • 35 mm/99 min/Dolby Digital/1:1,85

- Awards & Festivals

Venice Days, 2008, Göteborg IFF 2009 Best film Award