

- Synopsis

The first movie in the world in Seto language is about a lucid hero of a small nation - a minstrel Hilana Taarka. Woman who lived her entire life as a scum of society in a house without a chimney; a single mother who lived in poverty, begging and doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny and sometimes cruel songs. She was feared and disgraced, despised and desired. Taarka sang through her unbelievable life, above her destiny, out of the small Seto village to an international recognition. And she sang well. Very well.

Taarka became a Mother of Singing, a legend. But as a woman, member of the community, the Seto people never admitted. Taarka - despised woman and cherished singer.

- Genre

Feature Film

- Creators

Director / Script

Ain Mäeots, Mart Kivastik, Kauksi Ülle


Ain Mäeots, Hardi Volmer, Elo Selirand

Elo Selirand

Elen Lotman

Art director

Elo Soode

Sound producer

Ants Andreas

- Stars

Inga Salurand, Siiri Sisask, Marje Metsur, Kaarel Oja, Tõnu Oja, Mikko Nousiainen, Helena Merzin, Riina Maidre, Inara Luigas, Peeter Oja, Liina Tennossaar, Toomas Lõhmuste, Peeter Volkonski

- Release date

11 August, 2008

- Languages

Estonian, Finnish

- Technical specifications

  • 35 mm/99 min/Dolby Digital/1:1,85/Exitfilm 2008