- Synopsis
Nightmare of two children, that has been a part of Helen’s (Kaia Skoblov) nights, wakes her up and she gets the message, that her mother is dead. Helen has not seen her from very early childhood and now she has to visit the far away hospital where she finds as a ward of the weird doctor (Kalju Komissarov) her brother – the boy from her dreams. Now she has to make the decision – to return to the city or stay and take care of her brother.
- Genre
Short Film
- Creators
Director / Script
Anri Rulkov
Mait Mäekivi
Anri Rulkov
Peeter Urbla
Art Director
Britt Urbla
Horret Kuus
Ants Andreas, Horret Kuus, Olger Bernadt
Sound mix
Horret Kuus
Nils Johansson Film & Dekor AB (Sweden)
Production company
Supported by
Estonian Film Foundation, Cultural Endowment of Estonia
- Stars
Kaia Skoblov (Helen)
Kalju Komissarov (dr. Schulze)
Veltan Otsman (old man - brother’s voice)
Meelis Rämmeld (brother)
Epp Eespäev
Tambet Tuisk
Kleer Maibaum
Andree Tõe
Caroly Huobilainen
- Release date
Summer 2004
- Technical specifications
- 24min/Stereo/ 16mm/Beta SP/