Erkki-Sven Tüür: 7 etudes in pictures

"7 ETÜÜDI PILTIDES" treiler 3

- Synopsis

A film portrait of an internationally known contemporary composer.

What does being a composer really mean? How does one piece of music become live? How do the first thoughts and graphic illustration form first tacts and the whole piece? What kind
of responsibility bears the composer in front of his listener.

The film describes different aspects of being a composer - writing a piece in Hiiumaa being alone in the woods, orchestral rehearsals in cooperation with well-known conductors such as Paavo Järvi and Tõnu Kaljuste and trips and presentations around the world: in Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Berlin and of course in Estonia and also immediate emotions after the concerts, directly from the audience and the top musicians of the world.

In addition, reunion of In Spe, a legendary proge-rock band of Erkki-Sven Tüür.

- Genre


- Creators


Marianne Kõrver


Anneli Ahven


Marianne Kõrver


Marianne Kõrver

Sound producer

Sven Sosnitski

Sound operator

Lauri-Dag Tüür

- Release date

2 April 2010 (Estonia)

- Languages


- Awards & Festivals

Lübeck 2010

EstDoc, Toronto 2010