Agent Wild Duck


Hans Wild Duck, an old school industrial spy becomes suicidally jealous when the firm brings in a German performance artist who becomes not only the top agent, but also replaces him in his girlfriend Monika’s affections.


- Synopsis

Hans “Wild Duck” Gens is an old school spy trying to cope with brave new methods of making business. His job is in danger when a rare disease distracting his ability to concentrate is discovered. New consultant Florian from Germany arrives and agent Wild Duck´s position in company becomes even more unstable. When important PR-operation starts without him, Hans starts to suspect something at home and at work. Loyalty and principles of modern business are questioned in the film. Is there any other solution than a human sacrifice?

- Genre

Feature Film

- Creators

Director / Script

Marko Raat


Janek Murd


Raimo Jõerand


Veiko Õunpuu, Peeter Urbla


Marko Raat, Andres Maimik


Ivo Felt

Art Designer(s)

Margus Tammik, Jaana Jüris

Director of Photography

Arko Okk

- Stars

Mait Malmsten, Florian Feigl, Kersti Heinloo, Andrus Vaarik

- Release date

September 19 th , 2002

- Languages

Estonia, English